"With what joy we welcomed 2020, and with what joy we shall say goodbye to it!" So wrote I in a Christmas letter to a friend. But despite the death, disease and disaster that have blighted our world, I feel very blessed in being able to look back on good times too. So, to end another year of blogging, here – quite literally – are some high points.
A sunny Monday in May found me (appopriately) on May Hill – the first time I'd been up there. It turned out to be an interesting place, with ancient earthworks, cows with Swiss bells and memorable views of the Malverns and, nearer to home, the lofty spire of St Mary's Church in Ross-on-Wye.
COVID having laid claim to our Irish holiday, we had a wonderful week exploring Dartmoor. Here I am on Haytor. It was great fun to climb, with a yawning chasm to leap over on the way up. (Well, that's the way I like to remember it. In truth it may have been a little less dramatic.)
One week later we were in North Devon. Here is the spectacular view from the Tarka Trail, looking down on Lynmouth, with the houses of Lynton just visible on the left. It's one of those views that stops you in your tracks. "Wow!"
Five high points; five lovely memories. That's that way I'd like to remember 2020.