Saturday 28 March 2020

One stone lost with Slimming World, though it's taking longer this time

When I stepped onto the scales this morning my weight was 12st:0½lb – exactly one stone less than on January 6th. That was the day on which I admitted the error of my ways and rejoined Slimming World, though not my old Slimming World group in Whitecroft.  I wrote:
    The thought of my chosen group closing again at the critical moment was just too ghastly to contemplate, so this time I've gone for On-Line membership.
How prophetic that was!  As the dreadful coronavirus rages around us, all Slimming World groups have suspended their meetings and are functioning online and through mutual phone support.  There is the very real possibility that, had I joined the Whitecroft group, there would again be no-one to rejoice with me when I achieve my goal.

I'm still angry with myself for allowing my weight to stray so far from the target of 11st:6lb that I set myself in 2016. I knew I was losing the plot and I knew what to do about it, but allowed myself to believe that it would all come right in the end. It didn't.

Comparing my progress to 2016, it's not gone quite as well this time, but I know why and I'm not over-concerned.  This time I've decided to come off diet every Saturday and fully indulge in the candlelit evening meal to which S-- and I habitually treat ourselves.  Consequently, I'm apt to gain a pound or so by Monday morning. Nevertheless, I expect to cross the "-20lb" line in about 7 week's time.  That will put me back within 3lb of my original target weight, and qualify me for a free return to my old Slimming World group (or indeed any other group that meets weekly).

On that happy occasion I will blog here again. Having experienced Slimming World group and online membership, I expect to be well placed to compare the two systems.  For now, I'll simply say that, if taken seriously, they evidently both work.


  1. I've been steady at 13 and a half stone for most of the last two years - over a stone above my own SW target in 2016. But then there's a lot of slippage in my social life. Or used to be, when I spent time with people eating and drinking. I expect to make good progress during the current Lockdown, being presently strict SW, with not a drop of the demon drink!


    1. I lovely case of demon Australian shiraz has just arrived to see us through the next wee while of quiet life...
