Sunday 6 October 2024

Sunny Ullapool

Not too long ago I returned from a sun-blessed fortnight in Scotland – so sunny at times that even the residents could scarcely believe it.

Here's the view from our holiday cottage window on August 31st, the evening that we arrived.  It has been a two day journey from Gloucestershire, with an overnight stop in Penrith and a very good pub meal at the Boot & Shoe in Grayrig. 

The following morning I opened the bedroom curtains to this lovely view of a tranquil Loch Broom.  I called S--, "Get out of bed now and see this!"... and together we sat by the window in awe-struck silence.  I don't pretend to be an expert photographer, but sometimes I fluke a good one, so I'm going to print this and hang it on a wall...

... or maybe this one, 'enhanced' using the Google Photo app. (Click either of them to enlarge.) Do such enhancements class as cheating in the eyes of professionals, I wonder?

After the long drive of the previous two days, neither of us felt like wandering too far, so chose to climb Meall Mór, which in Gaelic means big round hill. All the locals I spoke to called it Ullapool Hill, but perhaps that was because they knew I was English.

Here's a view from near the summit, with the ferry departing Ullapool for isle of Lewis.  If I come this way again (and I really would like to) I rather fancy a few days on Lewis.

Turning the camera to the left, Loch Broom stretches a further 7 miles inland from Ullapool. 

This is Shore Street in Ullapool, where stood our delightful holiday cottage, with its magnificent views of the Loch.

During the week two cruise ships visited Ullapool. This one, the Amadea, was on a round-Britain cruise. One of its tenders is approaching to bring another boat-load of cruisers ashore, where some will board coaches for sight-seeing tours, and others head for Ullapool's famous fish & chip shop.  I hope they enjoyed themselves for, as you can see, the bright skies of the last few days had departed.

It was still cloudy on the following day, as I took a stroll along the shoreline, where the Ullapool River empties into Loch Broom.  Would the sunny weather return?  Indeed it would... but I'll blog about that next time.

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