Thursday 12 December 2019

A Feast of Results

The scene is set.  As a responsible citizen, I've cast my vote, though the Forest of Dean constituency is far from being marginal. Indeed, so predictable is the result here that the Lib Dems have dropped out, even though they beat the Greens in 2017. I was sorely tempted to vote Green to give them a little boost, but in the end voted with my head rather than my heart.  Now though, if the Greens lose their deposit, I'll be feeling guilty.  Oh well.

A long, wakeful night is in prospect. I always enjoy watching the results come in and rarely make it to bed before 3.30pm. To sustain me through the wee hours, I've just returned from the Co-op with a diet busting feast.

  • The Reds are represented by a nice, but not too expensive, bottle of red wine. This time I've gone for Beaujolais.
  • For the Blues I thought some creamy blue cheese would be appropriate, so I've chosen a slab of Cambazola.
  • Independents are represented by a small slice of Brie, which will hopefully do better than they will. 
  • The cheese biscuit selection has no political affiliation, though being Co-op it might be somewhat left of centre, like me.
  • Finally, to celebrate this first December general election since 1923 I've laid out the princely sum of £1.78 for some Christmas Cake Cheese. 

This morning's Poll of Polls in The Guardian had the Conservatives on 43%, Labour on 33%, the Lib Dems on 12% and the rest nowhere. The Lib-Dem-leaning Guardian was trying hard, bless 'em, to put an anti-Tory spin on it, though it looks as if Boris will get the working majority he's hoping for.  However, opinion polls have been notoriously inaccurate in the past.

Of more interest will be the joint Exit Poll conducted for the BBC, ITV and Sky. When that's revealed at 10pm, I'll be strumming my ukulele and singing with the Ukes uv Azzard, but will doubtless contrive to take a look (between songs, of course) at the BBC website. Then it's home for about 11pm, by which time the first couple of results should be in.

My personal prediction (for what it's worth) is that the Christmas Cake cheese will win the night, but it could be a close thing.

1 comment:

  1. I'm making do with scrambled eggs and bacon at 1.00am! I envy your yummy cheese selection, and like the impartial colour theme.

    The Exit Poll - if it's accurate - supports a victory for the Conservatives by a big margin, so Boris can indeed get his programme through unimpeded. I'll be so glad to see the parliamentary log-jam broken up.

