Tuesday 8 April 2014

Lowering the pressure

This is the day set by Nurse Mary to recheck my blood pressure.  I dutifully turned up at the Health Centre this morning, feeling cool and calm, and more than a little pleased with myself.  Since last I blogged here I have been a very good girl indeed and stuck faithfully to my new diet.

I seriously considered the 5:2 diet (500 calories per day on 2 days every week) but decided that it wasn't for me, despite glowing testimonies to its effectiveness from several friends.  I did try a 500 calorie day once, when staying with Aunt Sarah, but found that I just piled the weight on again the day after.  What I needed, I concluded, was a disciplined approach 7 days a week.  In this world there are those who eat to live, and others who live to eat.  I'm definitely in the second category.

As well as being rather ill-disciplined when it comes to eating, I'm also a gismologist and found just what I needed in the Google Play app store. So now I have the Noom Weight Loss Coach on my beloved smartphone and I'm driving my partner nutz by checking and recording every meal before eating it.  However, I've drawn the line at becoming a real nurd and taking my smartphone everywhere I go so that it can count my steps. Most of my cardies don't have pockets.

The Noom app also tracks me (using GPS) when I go walking and calculates the number of calories burned. This week saw me at home more that I'd have wished as I'm still busily redecorating the lounge, but even so I managed 5.3 miles and burned off 611 calories.

So how have I done?  I do realize that weight can fall away quite readily at the beginning of a diet, but I reckon that 4½lb lost is no mean achievement.  Moreover, my blood pressure is down from last week's 140:85 to 130:80, so Nursie doesn't want to see me again until my next Decapeptyl jab in October.


  1. If you lived in a poor country in Africa you would lose weight very easily Angela. What does that tell you? I hope you continue to lose the weight if it is a problem but it isn't so much losing it as keeping it down thereafter that counts. I must be good for your blood pressure.

    Shirley Anne x

    1. If I lived in a poor country (ie.Tanzania) my life expectancy would be 20 years less and I'd regularly risk death from the depressingly frequent failure of the grain harvests. Yes, it tells me a lot; not least to be profoundly grateful for my well-stocked larder.

  2. Meant to say 'IT must be good for your blood pressure' but 'I' sounds good too......LOL

    Shirley Anne x

  3. 100 grams of chocolate equals five miles walking! No wonder my brain refuses to remember such silly facts...

    1. My brain tells me that you need to find a sweet shop 2½ miles away, Caroline. Good luck!
