Friday 14 February 2014

Angie the Stripper

It's a while since I've posted here but I wish you to know, dear reader, that I have not been idle.  Flushed with the success of my bricklaying exploits, and with the lounge still resembling a building site, I've decided to tear apart the bathroom.  

This time I'm letting the professionals do the really hard work, such as removing the old bath, WC and wash hand basin, and installing new ones. I shall content myself with a spot of wiring and with re-decorating the one wall that is not going to be clad in snazzy (and rather expensive) bathroom panels.  But a stripper I shall never be!  The kind person who papered the wall, also painted it with gloss paint, and it's the very devil to remove as no amount of soaking with Angie's specially formulated wallpaper stripper will permeate the gloss.  So I've resorted to scoring the wall with a surform, soaking it all in the aforementioned specially formulated solution, then attacking it, inch by inch, with a scraper.

The person who first attached this solidified pulp to my bathroom walls foolishly wrote his name on the wall, and today it saw the light of day once more.  And so, H.W.Temble, a thousand curses on your balding head!  No, no - that's unfair.  You're probably a really nice guy, but you'll surely understand if I don't repaint your wall gloss pink.


  1. E and I are not available 'professionals' Angela, sorry! LOL. What, not stripping out the old suite yourself? Apply paint stripper on the gloss paint. It should ease its removal, then use a steam pad to get the paper wet. Take a pair of waders with you when you go to Somerset........

    Shirley Anne x

    1. Half way through the job it occurred to me that paint stripper might have helped. O well, it's all finished now.

      Since this is our only WC and bath, I decided to enlist professionals as they'll do the whole job in 3 days, whereas it would have taken me a lot longer. On Monday night we've invited ourselves round to our son's home so that we can have a loo!

  2. All this awaits me, as one day I shall want to redecorate my home.

    I do think that your Somerset escapade may have something to do with cider. Or the S&D.

