Last November I blogged about amazing myself when I plucked up the courage to sing a solo at a Ukulele Fun Day in Coleford. It wasn't a performance blessed with great artistic merit (far from it) but the folk there were so supportive that I felt determined to have another go at the next Fun Day... and the one after that... and.......
To put it bluntly, it seems that there's no shutting me up, these days! Those who know me well will understand what a huge step forward this is for me; not so long ago I would only sing along with others, and then very quietly indeed.
Last Sunday's gathering was a little different as it was Mums' Day and several folk were away on 'family duties'. Consequently, not so many as usual were planning to make use of the 'open mic' – and therein hangs a tail. My good friend Bridget had helped me work on an old Steeleye Span number called Marrowbones and was anxious to hear me sing it. It's an amusing tail about a woman who plans to turn her husband blind so that she can have an affair with someone else, Unbeknown to her, though, the doctor has spun her a yarn and the 'old man' wins the day.
Unfortunately, though, Bridget was late arriving and missed my performance, but then persuaded Janice that there really was time for me to sing it again. Angie doing an encore? Truly, wonders will never cease.
Janice and Alastair do a wonderful job organizing these events, entertaining us with their own performances and taking photos. These two photos are theirs and once again I thank them for a wonderful afternoon of fun.
This weekend my brother celebrates one of those significant birthdays with a '0' at the end, and there's to be a musical family gathering to which a hundred or so friends have also been invited. And what a surprise (!) the evening will include an 'open mic' session at which S- and I hope to sing a duet. The song we've chosen is one by Willie Nelson that, for me, sums up much of what ukulele playing means to me:
On the road again,
just can't wait to get on the road again,
the life I love is making music with my friends
and I can't wait to get on the road again.